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International SEO Consultant

Grow your Organic Traffic and Revenue.



What can I do for you?

SEO Audits

Prioritized, solution-oriented SEO audit and recommendations to establish a winning SEO action plan. Continuous validations to increase results and achieve business goals.

SEO Strategy for Startups and Corporations

Strategic SEO recommendations linked to your revenue goals, business requirements, and opportunities to achieve your goals.

SEO team training

Personalized technical, content, international and strategic SEO training to increase the SEO knowledge of your company's team.



A little more about my experience

Mikael Araújo is an SEO consultant whose mission is to offer a consultancy focused on increasing the visibility and profitability of his clients' online searches. This is done through scalable, sustainable, transparent and highly customized processes for search engine optimization.

It works with brands of national and international relevance, whether startups, corporations or competitive sectors in SEO. Our prior and diverse experience is used to promote a holistic approach to the most challenging scenarios.

Mikael Araújo has been working as a consultant since 2020 after working with digital marketing and freelance SEO in several companies around the world and as an in-house SEO specialist.



“He successfully undertook and fulfilled several challenging objectives, with the aim of establishing our (former) company presence in his home country of Brazil.”

Monica Zamfir
(Former) International Expansion Director - StarOfService



Send a message using the contact form and let us know your SEO needs. We will contact you if we can help.

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